my Ripjaws V 3200C14 can run either run
3000MHz with CL12 12-12-12-12-28-42-240-1T = 8ms latency
3466MHz with CL14 14-14-14-14-28-42-280-1T = 8.0785ms latency
what is better?
Due to the way Ryzen works, running the Infinity Fabric at the DRAM speed, 3466mhz will result in higher performance.
yes but as far as i know also latency comes into place
In servers yes, but in home desktops it's just not the case, Hardwaresecrets proved it again back in 2016.
But as we know from reviews of Ryzen systems, due to the way the Infinity Fabric works, higher memory speeds result in higher performance.
found this RYZEN 2700X + Low Latency RAM - Still AMAZING PERFORMANCE gains... - YouTube
Higher Speed Vs Tighter Timings on Ryzen - Surprising Results! - YouTube
so latency is also usefull - best is a mix of both i think
I did some testing on this in Gears of War 4 a couple of years ago. The Gears 4 benchmark is great because it shows you your CPU render speed even if you are GPU bound.
Jumping up in steps of 533 MHz was more effective than changing the CL by 2, but both were effective. In the end my CPU performance increased 25% by doing nothing other than altering RAM speed and timings.