Your Asus Motherboard supports 3600Mhz with your 5900x Processor:

First do a CMOS CLEAR to reset your BIOS back to factory Defaults.
Have you tried manually in BIOS Settings overclocking your RAM to 3600Mhz?
It should have a Pull-Down Speed Menu to choose 3600Mhz and the go to FCLK and set that at 1800Mhz manually without using DOCP. See if it stays or not.
Seems like BIOS sees something wrong with you setting your RAM at 3600Mhz and then reverts it back to its SPD speed as a safety measure.
According to Adata Memory Finder under your Asus Motherboard your RAM is not listed as being compatible:

Those RAM Numbers are the closest ones to your RAM Part number.