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PC Graphics

Adept II

junction temp says 912c

Just got my radeon vii back from rma ddu old driver installed new driver... 

when i play cod:mw warzone i can play for about 5 to 10 minutes and then black screen if i drop my resolution down it wont crash but the game looks worse than moh:aa like this .. I decided to open the adrenalin software and take a look around when i opened tuning section it said junction was at 912c and power consumption was at 300 this was all at idle about 5 minutes after the game crashed 

2 Replies

Obviously that reading of 912C is a false reading. 912c equals to 1673.6 degrees fahrenheit. At that temperature your GPU card and computer will be molten liquid.

Possibly the GPU card has a bad Thermal sensor causing the GPU card to crash.

I suggest you open another Warranty ticket to see if the GPU card still is defective and needs to be checked again by being RMAed.

Adept II

yea i know its a false reading just wondering if its affecting my clock speeds is all or is that what could be making the game crash out i don't know whats programed into the drivers or card and what the recation of the card thinking its overheating besides throttling i really dont feel like rmaing the card paid 700 for trash is what it comes down to