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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Fresh PC build RX 580 problem

Hello everyone
I just finished my 4th PC build.
At the end i noticed that i have a problem.
My build 
Mainboard - Asus a320m-k
GPU- Aorus RX 580 8GB
RAM- G.skill 3000mhz 2x8GB
CPU - ryzen 5 1600
PCU - coller master 600w 80+ silver
The problem here is that i cant get  to the first boot up i have no picture on my screen it is only black.
Iv tryed everything, at the very end i took my gtx 1070 from my PC and put it in the new one, started everytiong was ok i could get to the boot up screen. But then i took the rx580 and put it in my PC it dosend worked..
Now the card i bought was used but not to mutch the guys tryed her on the day he sent me the card, and last 4h he is trying to slove my problem but we cound find nothing out.. 
Now i think that the card is defekt, but the fans are spinning, no led cuz the seller said that he disabled that in the program of that card.
Now i dont know what to do, dont know what should i try have no idea anymore..
Cuz everythig i try i remember that i turn on with the 1070
Any ideas any help from anybody
Sry for my bad english i hope that you can read this

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