I've had this game a while. Have like 32hrs logged in, and suddenly one day a few weeks ago, it just stopped loading. Any attempts to load the game have taken me to the 2K troubleshooting page. I opened a ticket with them and have gone back and forth for weeks. WEEKS. Over a solution. Uninstalling, reinstalling, clearing out all WWE2k related files. Reinstalling Steam. Clearing Steam's cache. Sending msinfo and dxdiag logs. I've updated drivers for my Radeon RX 6600 graphics card. Nothing. I was told by tech support at this point to contact you guys. So here I am. I'm well beyond specs to run their game. I tried uninstalling Onedrive. I ran system file checker, everything that 2k support could tell me to do, I did. It's frustrating because this game worked for so long. Now it doesn't.