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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

RSR on multi-monitor-setup

Hi AMD-Team and everybody around.

I think the RSR implementation in the Driver is a great thing.

Since I'm playing mostly DCS-World on a 3-monitor-setup I was wondering, if it s possible to use RSR on this 3-monitor-setup as well.

DCS has a native support for 3 monitors and uses "3 cameras", so not one centered and stretched camera. This is pretty heavy on the GPU since it has to calculate and render not one big image, but 3 images at the same time. RSR for those 3 screens would be just great, since the FPS-UP would be significant.

The switch to Eyefinity and 1-camera is possible, but looks ugly since DCS is not made for one big monitor @ 5760 * 1080. The parts on the side of the picture look pretty stretched and not normal.

AND I think RSR is not working with EyeFinity either.

If you have a clue what I could try here, I would really appreciate it.



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