i have a old Q8400 machine with HD 7750 1GB DDR5, the problem is sometimes the Radeon Setting: Host Application used up 2GB system Ram.. i just want to know WHY??????
my system :
Asus P5Q SE Plus with latest bios 2204
8GB DDR2 RAM ( 2GB X4)
Intel Q8400 ( stock speed no Overclock)
Asus HD7750-1GD5-V2
500GB Seagate sata HDD.
Windows 10 64bit.
Radeon 18.5.1
(Fresh install windows)
Run memtest86 for 1 run pass. no error found.
so what is the problem? why the driver need so many RAM ?
Even fully open it should use less than 500MB. What happens when you use the new version 18.9.1?
i didn't try the 18.9.1 beta .. i stick with standard driver..
The only difference between "beta" and "WHQL" is $500 AMD didn't pay to Microsoft to get it signed and wait possibly weeks for them to do it, they're not akin to beta programs which are full of bugs.
Did you also install the 'AMD User Experience' when you installed the drivers? It's a option. If so, use the drop down shown here and quit it.
no. i didn't install the AMD User Experience.