22.5.1 之后的所有驱动程序都已针对 DX11 重写,新的 DX11 驱动程序似乎会导致渲染问题,纹理无法正确显示在正确的位置(某些区域被拉伸)。
There is do have a bug during the game, i have reported this problem 2 weeks ago, but the report is possibly being neglected
AMD 噎死
I just upgraded to a 6800 XT from a 1080 Ti and was met with this bug. Please fix it AMD, introducing a bug with a driver update and ignoring it for almost a year is too darn sad.
The issue is DX Navi in DX11. that was added in drivers past 22.5.1.
if you edit the registry to use DX11 without Navi the issue goes away.
dropping this comment here in the hopes AMD sees it and fixes it. I hate having to edit my registry just to play this game.