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Journeyman III

problem with catalyst 9.12

After updating driver OpenGL app has broken

I was developing FFT ocean demo. After updating driver (up to 9.12) it has broken. The problem occurs if my vertex shader fetches height from height map and pixel shader fetches from cubemap. If I disable one of this condition everything works fine.

I am sure I have set up textures to different stages, but it seems that VS tries to fetch from cubemap (Relief of cube map side can be seen on the water surface). I also tried this shaders in Render Monkey and the result is the same.

I used Radeon HD 3870, Radeon HD 4850. I haven't such problem with catalyst 9.11 and with 9.10.

Here is vertex shader:

uniform sampler2D heightMap;

uniform float sharpness;
uniform vec2  surfaceSize; // size of the waterSurface
uniform vec3  surfaceCorners[4];
uniform vec4  lightPosition;
uniform vec4  eyePosition;

uniform float distanceSmoothness;
uniform mat4  projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4  worldViewMatrix;
uniform mat4  reflectionMatrix;

varying vec2  normalTexCoord;
varying vec3  eyeDir;
varying vec3  fragmentPosition;

varying vec2  reflectionTexCoord;

void main()
    // calculate vertex position
    vec3 a = (surfaceCorners[2] - surfaceCorners[3]) * gl_Vertex.y;
    vec3 b = (surfaceCorners[1] - surfaceCorners[0]) * gl_Vertex.y;
    vec3 c = mix(b, a, gl_Vertex.x);
    vec3 d = (surfaceCorners[3] - surfaceCorners[0]) * gl_Vertex.x;
    vec4 waterVertex = vec4(surfaceCorners[0] + c + d, 1.0);
    // calculate texture coordinates
    normalTexCoord = waterVertex.xz / surfaceSize;

    // displace water vertex using height map with edge & distance attenuation   
    float distance            = length( (worldViewMatrix * waterVertex).xyz );
    float distanceAttenuation = exp(-fragmentPosition.z * distanceSmoothness);
    float attenuation         = distanceAttenuation * min( pow(1.0 - gl_Vertex.y, 0.2), pow(1.0 - abs(gl_Vertex.x - 0.5) * 2.0, 0.2) );
    vec4 texel      = texture2D(heightMap, normalTexCoord);
    waterVertex.y   = texel.x * attenuation;
    waterVertex.xz -= sharpness * * attenuation;
    eyeDir   = -;
    vec4 projTexCoord  = reflectionMatrix * waterVertex;
    reflectionTexCoord = projTexCoord.xy / projTexCoord.w;

    gl_Position      = projectionMatrix * worldViewMatrix * waterVertex;
    fragmentPosition = vec3(gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w, gl_Position.w);      

And fragment shader:

//uniform sampler2D   heightMap;
uniform sampler2D   normalMap;
uniform sampler2D   reflectMap;
uniform sampler2D   depthMap;
uniform sampler2D   refractMap;
uniform samplerCube environmentMap;

uniform float distanceFogginess;
uniform float distanceSmoothness;
uniform float waterTransparency;
uniform vec4  fogColor;
uniform vec4  lightSpecular;

// inverted projection transform to restore depth from the z-buffer
uniform mat2  projectionMatrixInverse;

varying vec2  normalTexCoord;
varying vec3  eyeDir;
varying vec3  fragmentPosition;

varying vec2  reflectionTexCoord;

float get_fragment_depth(sampler2D depthMap, vec2 fragmentPosition, vec2 texCoord)
    float depth = 2.0 * texture2D(depthMap, texCoord).r - 1.0;
    vec2  vec   = projectionMatrixInverse * vec2(depth, 1.0);
    return vec.x / vec.y;

void main()
    const vec3 waterMinColor = vec3(0.0, 0.05, 0.15);
    const vec3 waterMaxColor = vec3(0.0, 0.1,  0.15);

    vec3 eyeDirNorm = normalize(eyeDir);
    vec3 normalNorm = 2.0 * ( texture2D(normalMap, normalTexCoord).rgb - vec3(0.5) );

    // distance attenuation of light and fogginess
    float distVal = exp(-fragmentPosition.z * distanceFogginess);
    normalNorm    = mix( vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), normalNorm, pow(distVal, 5.0) );

    float dotValue   = dot(eyeDirNorm, normalNorm);
    vec3  waterColor = mix( waterMinColor, waterMaxColor, abs(dotValue) );

    // texture coordinate of the fragment
    vec2  fragTexCoord = 0.5 * fragmentPosition.xy + vec2(0.5);
        vec2  distortTexCoord = fragTexCoord + normalNorm.xz * 0.02;
        #ifdef ENABLE_DEPTH_MAP
        float nonDistortDepth = get_fragment_depth(depthMap, fragmentPosition.xy, fragTexCoord);
        float distortDepth    = get_fragment_depth(depthMap, fragmentPosition.xy, distortTexCoord);

        // calculate distorsion
        float deltaDepth;
        if (distortDepth > fragmentPosition.z) {
            deltaDepth = distortDepth - fragmentPosition.z;
            distortTexCoord = fragTexCoord;
            deltaDepth      = nonDistortDepth - fragmentPosition.z;
        // calculate attenuation
        float depthAttenuation = 1.0 / pow(1.0 + deltaDepth, 1.0 / waterTransparency - 1.0);

        // mix water with reflections
        vec4 refractColor = texture2D(refractMap, distortTexCoord).rgba;
        waterColor        = mix(waterColor, refractColor.rgb, depthAttenuation * refractColor.a);
        vec4 refractColor = texture2D(refractMap, distortTexCoord).rgba;
        waterColor        = mix(waterColor, refractColor.rgb, waterTransparency * refractColor.a);

    float fresnel      = clamp( pow(1.0 + dotValue, 4.0), 0.05, 0.5 );
    vec3  reflectColor = textureCube( environmentMap, reflect(eyeDirNorm, normalNorm) ).rgb;

        vec2 distortTexCoord   = reflectionTexCoord + normalNorm.xz * 0.05;
        vec4 localReflectColor = texture2DLod(reflectMap, distortTexCoord, 2.0).rgba;
        reflectColor           = mix(reflectColor, localReflectColor.rgb, localReflectColor.a);

    waterColor = mix(waterColor, reflectColor, fresnel);
    waterColor = mix(fogColor.rgb, waterColor, distVal);

    gl_FragColor = vec4(waterColor, 1.0);


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