I just bought one myself, as my current display is six years old, and the backlight, even though it's LED backlit, is starting to flicker at such a frequency which causes me to get nauseated after using it for an extended period. Anyway they have a new model out, the LG 27UK650, which is the same display but "HDR10 Certified" (though at 450nit it can't actually BE HDR), but as with all older models the price is cut to make room. It's an LG, so it's an A grade panel (since they make them), Freesync via HDMI capable, 10 bit color (8+2 AFC), sRGB 99%, IPS so there's no color shifting, and UHD resolution. The only downside is that Freesync is limited to a stated 40-60 range, but with the FRTC set to 60 it'll cover the momentary drops which can occur in games.
LG 27UD68P-B 27" FreeSync IPS LED Monitor 4K UHD 3840 x 2160 16:9 Widescreen 5ms (GTG) On-Screen Con...