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Drivers & Software

Adept I

Which Driver Should I Install

I have the Radeon HD6670 1GB GDDR5 GPU and Windows 10 64bit and I don't know which driver should I install, the 15.7.1 WHQL driver is old and the Crimson Edition 16.2.1 Beta is buggy it crashes often, it shows popups to install a new driver which is not for my GPU and the overclocking settings are buggy

Web page: AMD Radeon™ HD 6670 Drivers & Support | AMD

2 Replies

Same answer as you received before AMD Driver Certification

Multiple posts will not change the answer amdmatt

Community Manager

This has already been answered, please do not open additional threads.

There is no driver development planned for your product as it is in legacy status. You may either ignore the popup recommending a driver update, or you can use an earlier driver.

I would recommend reading the rules and regulations of the forum before you can make any further posts on this forum.

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