If your laptop has a AMD APU Processor with Integrated Graphics (R5) then you must download the driver for your IGPU (R5) so that it will be compatible with both your IGPU and GPU card.
Sometimes the IGPU is much older then the GPU card and the last driver is much older than the laptop's GPU card's driver. So the last latest driver for your GPU card probably wouldn't be compatible with your APU IGPU.
So best thing to do is download the last AMD driver for your APU which will install both drivers for the IGPU and GPU in your laptop.
But if your Laptop's Support site has driver that are about the same age it is best to install those rather then AMD laptop drivers which are generic while the laptop's OEM drivers will be 100% compatible with your laptop.
NOTE: Since your laptop shut down due to a power outage I would run in a elevated Command Prompt/Powershell the following simple line command to check your Windows OS: SFC /scannow
Also before you run DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) delete, if applicable, AMD Driver Installation folder at C:\AMD. Now run DDU and install the driver again.