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Drivers & Software

Adept I

Don't you have any plans to release a driver for A Plague Tale: Innocence?

The game runs horrible and so unoptimized on my RX480. Your latest driver added a profile for Rage 2 but I can't find anything anywhere for A Plague Tale: Innocence. The game is graphically heavy and definitely needs some support from you guys as well.

Would you include it in next driver?

3 Replies

For further help you need to post your computer information. Just posting your GPU info is not very helpful.

Anyways, here is the latest AMD Driver for the RX480 from AMD Download page: Radeon™ RX 480 Drivers & Support | AMD 

In case the latest Driver is the problem, try installing a previous driver and see if it shows up from here: Radeon™ RX 480 Previous Drivers | AMD 

You may want to open a Ticket with the game Focus Support from here: Support - Focus Home Interactive  and also post your question at the game's Focus Forum from here: Focus Forums 

This game's a festival of bugs on my RX 480 + I7 4790K + 16GB RAM + win 10
I not only had heavy stutter and micro freezes in rat scenes and in the main menu and also during gameplay, but the fps was also low and the game looked unpolished. all while my friend with a cheap old nvidia card runs this game with absolutely no problem on ultra.
And all this was all for yesterday. the weird thing is since today, every time I go in game, after a few seconds in the main menu and right after loading the game (when a carriage's light shines through the window and rats go away) my card becomes so unstable that my monitor goes in standby mode and my card's fans begin to roar like crazy and it won't turn back to normal until I manually shut down PC with power button. I haven't done any changes to my system since yesterday at all.

This bug (monitor standby mode and card roaring has happens a few times on Sekiro during past few days as well)

Could you guys help me what should I do?


It was just released on the 14th.