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Gaming Discussions

AMD A10 7850k R7 DualGraphic's

Can R7 IGD(iGPU) and R7 240 GPU work in Dual Graphics in 2020/21 ??

Since i buy my processor A10 and the R7 240 Graphic Card thise year, i culdn't set the Dualgraphic options.

it's becouse AMD doesn't support thise tecnology animore? or its a ''error'' or bad configuration of it.

i need more information that the information i find on the internet, about it...

6 Replies
Big Boss

when running Win10 it is now in graphics settings of Windows and not in the driver anymore
when not running Win10 you have to use an older driver

PC: R7 2700X @PBO + RX 580 4G (1500MHz/2000MHz CL16) + 32G DDR4-3200CL14 + 144hz 1ms FS P + 75hz 1ms FS
Laptop: R5 2500U @30W + RX 560X (1400MHz/1500MHz) + 16G DDR4-2400CL16 + 120Hz 3ms FS

@benman2785 I understand, in ''Graphics configurations'' from windows 10 you can put a apliccation or game in better performance, but i got to peek betwing the R7 Graphics iGPU and the R7 240, wen i playing just one of them is running the game.

in thise case im talking about the game Apex Legends.

Will you tellme how do you do, to work with two graphics at the same time?


i dont know if this is still possible - but i will check that out

PC: R7 2700X @PBO + RX 580 4G (1500MHz/2000MHz CL16) + 32G DDR4-3200CL14 + 144hz 1ms FS P + 75hz 1ms FS
Laptop: R5 2500U @30W + RX 560X (1400MHz/1500MHz) + 16G DDR4-2400CL16 + 120Hz 3ms FS

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Thise is the error, extra low FPS and shadow broken. only one of the GPU's working.


use the dGPU for that game

i will try to install my old Laptop with A10-5757m + HD8750M to reproduce Crossfire in Win10

PC: R7 2700X @PBO + RX 580 4G (1500MHz/2000MHz CL16) + 32G DDR4-3200CL14 + 144hz 1ms FS P + 75hz 1ms FS
Laptop: R5 2500U @30W + RX 560X (1400MHz/1500MHz) + 16G DDR4-2400CL16 + 120Hz 3ms FS
Adept I

Which windows you're currently using ?. If its windows 10 then you have to change your setting from graphic setting . There's dual graphic option