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Adept I

power profiling in latest CodeXL 1.6.7247.0

Hi there. Recently I installed the latest CodeXL (v1.6.7247.0) and found that it can do power profiling, which is a good function for AMD APUs because APUs highlight energy efficiency. However, I have a little confusion on the power profiler's counter: the CPU Compute Unit 0 power and CPU Compute Unit 1 Power.profiler.png

This is the power profiling results for teapot example. it only shows the CPU CU0 and CPU CU1 power. I also checked the documentation and found that they only provide CU0 and CU1 profiling. As I understand, each CPU core is a CU, why CU2 and CU3 are missing in this case? Or I understand no in a correct way? Thanks for any kind help.

2 Replies

Hi acekiller,

Your AMD APU contains 4 CPU Cores: Core 0, Core 1, Core 2 and Core 3. The cores are organized in pairs. Each pair is called a Compute Unit.


  • Compute Unit 0 = Core 0 + Core 1
  • Compute Unit 1 = Core 2 + Core 3

CodeXL Power Profiler reports the average power consumption of the Compute Units. This data is not available individually for each core.

Hi, dorono, thanks for your answer, that does help me a lot to make it more clear. ^_^