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Journeyman III

Nothing happened after running AMDTTeaPot and found segmentation fault when terminating CodeXL


I try to run v1.0.1042.0-x86_64 on Linux Mint 13 (a branch of Ubuntu Linux 12.04).

I am following the document, Getting Started with CodeXL, and I can launch the CodeXL successfully.

However, when doing the step, run the teapot sample program, no separate window displayed.

I am wondering whether the sample program loaded correctly.

Besides, after I terminated CodeXL by click x on the upper right corner, I saw the terminal showd 

/path/to/CodeXL/bin/CodeXL: line 41:  3673 Segmentation fault  /path/to/CodeXL/bin/CodeXL-bin

Did I miss any steps or settings?

1 Reply


Could you share some more details about your station: CPU and GPU models, which version of the AMD Catalyst driver is installed on your station,

If you run teapot outside of CodeXL, does it run properly? To run teapot outside of CodeXL, navigate to teapot folder under /CodeXL/Examples/Teapot folder and run AMDTTeapot.

Segmentation fault when shutting down CodeXL is a known issue on some Linux stations. It is caused by the OpenGL driver and should be fixed in future driver release.