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Adept I

inconsistence execution time of the same kernel


I am getting the execution timings of the same kernel with different values like .25.7 msec,

31.4 msec,31.09 msec,28.11msec,30.7msec,27.8msec.

Why is this this because of cache or some thing else.

I am doing below calc for timing,

cl_ulong elapsedTime = endTime-startTime;


6 Replies
Adept I


Could you post your host and kernel code?


Hi Omkar,

Please find the attached code ...actually i can't put my kernel code due to various reasons so its just a multiply*2 code i kept...but it is essentially interpolation/averaging of input pixels and store it in the output buffer.

do this kind of inconsistence wil depend on kernel.

Please see if it is ok without actuall kernel code..else i will try to attach the kernel.


*! * Sample kernel which multiplies every element of the input array with * a constant and stores it at the corresponding output array */ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable unsigned int prev_line_num= 1; unsigned int cnt=1; __kernel void templateKernel(const float x, const float y, const int lines, const int Len, __global unsigned char * output, __global unsigned char * input) { uint tx = get_global_id(0); uint ty = get_global_id(1); uint value=0; output[(ty * Len) + tx] = input[(ty * Len) + tx] * 2; } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Template.cpp------------- #include "Template.hpp" /* * \brief Host Initialization * Allocate and initialize memory * on the host. Print input array. */ int initializeHost(void) { input = NULL; output = NULL; x =1.0f; y =1.0f; lines =1280 Len =720; width =lines*Len; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allocate and initialize memory used by host ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cl_uint sizeInBytes = width * sizeof(cl_uchar); input = (cl_uchar *)malloc(sizeInBytes); if(input == NULL) { std::cout<<"Error: Failed to allocate input memory on host\n"; return 1; } output = (cl_uchar *)malloc(sizeInBytes*3); if(output == NULL) { std::cout<<"Error: Failed to allocate output memory on host\n"; return 1; } for(cl_uint i = 0; i < width; i++) { input = (cl_uint)i; // printf("%d ",input); } return 0; } * * Converts the contents of a file into a string */ std::string convertToString(const char *filename) { size_t size; char* str; std::string s; std::fstream f(filename, (std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary)); if(f.is_open()) { size_t fileSize; f.seekg(0, std::fstream::end); size = fileSize = f.tellg(); f.seekg(0, std::fstream::beg); str = new char[size+1]; if(!str) { f.close(); return NULL; }, fileSize); f.close(); str[size] = '\0'; s = str; return s; } return NULL; } int initializeCL(void) { cl_int status = 0; size_t deviceListSize; cl_device_type device_type=NULL; cl_uint num_devices; /* * Have a look at the available platforms and pick either * the AMD one if available or a reasonable default. */ cl_uint numPlatforms; cl_platform_id platform = NULL; status = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &numPlatforms); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("Error: Getting Platforms. (clGetPlatformsIDs)\n"); return 1; } if(numPlatforms > 0) { cl_platform_id* platforms = (cl_platform_id *)malloc(numPlatforms*sizeof(cl_platform_id)); status = clGetPlatformIDs(numPlatforms, platforms, NULL); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("Error: Getting Platform Ids. (clGetPlatformsIDs)\n"); return 1; } /* * If we could find our platform, use it. Otherwise pass a NULL and get whatever the * implementation thinks we should be using. */ cl_context_properties cps[3] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform, 0 }; cl_context_properties* cprops = (NULL == platform) ? NULL : cps; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create an OpenCL context ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// context = clCreateContextFromType(cprops, // CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, NULL, NULL, &status); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: Creating Context. (clCreateContextFromType)\n"; return 1; } /* First, get the size of device list data */ status = clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, NULL, &deviceListSize); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<< "Error: Getting Context Info \ (device list size, clGetContextInfo)\n"; return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Detect OpenCL devices ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// devices = (cl_device_id *)malloc(deviceListSize); if(devices == 0) { std::cout<<"Error: No devices found.\n"; return 1; } /* Now, get the device list data */ status = clGetContextInfo( context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, deviceListSize, devices, NULL); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<< "Error: Getting Context Info \ (device list, clGetContextInfo)\n"; return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create an OpenCL command queue ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// commandQueue = clCreateCommandQueue( context, // devices[0], //CPU devices[1], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &status); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Creating Command Queue. (clCreateCommandQueue)\n"; return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create OpenCL memory buffers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inputBuffer = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_uchar) * width, input, &status); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: clCreateBuffer (inputBuffer)\n"; return 1; } outputBuffer = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_uchar) * width * 3, output, &status); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: clCreateBuffer (outputBuffer)\n"; return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load CL file, build CL program object, create CL kernel object ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char * filename = ""; std::string sourceStr = convertToString(filename); const char * source = sourceStr.c_str(); size_t sourceSize[] = { strlen(source) }; program = clCreateProgramWithSource( context, 1, &source, sourceSize, &status); /* create a cl program executable for all the devices specified */ status = clBuildProgram(program,1,devices, NULL, NULL, NULL); size_t len; char buffer[2048]; cl_build_status buffer1; kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "templateKernel", &status); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: Creating Kernel from program. (clCreateKernel)\n"; return 1; } * * \brief Run OpenCL program * * Bind host variables to kernel argumenats * Run the CL kernel */ int runCLKernels(void) { cl_int status; cl_uint maxDims; cl_event events[2]; size_t globalThreads[2]; size_t localThreads[2]; size_t maxWorkGroupSize; size_t maxWorkItemSizes[3]; size_t length; size_t kernelWorkGroupSize; cl_device_type device_type; cl_ulong startTime ,endTime; char devicebuff[100]; /** * Query device capabilities. Maximum * work item dimensions and the maximmum * work item sizes */ clGetDeviceInfo( devices[1], CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), (void*)&maxWorkGroupSize, NULL); clGetDeviceInfo( devices[1], CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&maxDims, NULL); clGetDeviceInfo( devices[1], CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, sizeof(size_t)*maxDims, (void*)maxWorkItemSizes, NULL); clGetDeviceInfo( devices[1], CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof(cl_device_type), (void*)device_type, NULL); clGetDeviceInfo( devices[1], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(devicebuff), (void*)devicebuff, NULL); globalThreads[0] =1280; globalThreads[1] =720; localThreads[0] =8; localThreads[1] =4; if(globalThreads[0] > maxWorkItemSizes[0] || localThreads[0] > maxWorkGroupSize) { std::cout<<"Unsupported: Device does not support requested number of work items."; // return 1; } /*** Set appropriate arguments to the kernel ***/ /*x*/ status = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_float), (void *)&x); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<< "Error: Setting kernel argument. (x)\n"; return 1; } /*y*/ status = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_float), (void *)&y); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<< "Error: Setting kernel argument. (y)\n"; return 1; } /*lines*/ status = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&lines); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<< "Error: Setting kernel argument. (lines)\n"; return 1; } /*line*/ status = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&Len); /* the output array to the kernel */ status = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&outputBuffer); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: Setting kernel argument. (output)\n"; return 1; } /* the input array to the kernel */ status = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&inputBuffer); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: Setting kernel argument. (input)\n"; return 1; } /* * Enqueue a kernel run call. */ status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( commandQueue, kernel, 2, NULL, globalThreads, //localThreads, NULL, 0, NULL, &events[0]); /* wait for the kernel call to finish execution */ status = clWaitForEvents(1, &events[0]); clReleaseEvent(events[0]); /* Enqueue readBuffer*/ status = clEnqueueReadBuffer( commandQueue, outputBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, width * 3 * sizeof(cl_uchar), output, 0, NULL, &events[1]); /* Wait for the read buffer to finish execution */ status = clWaitForEvents(1, &events[1]); clReleaseEvent(events[1]); return 0; } /* * \brief Release OpenCL resources (Context, Memory etc.) */ int cleanupCL(void) { cl_int status; status = clReleaseKernel(kernel); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: In clReleaseKernel \n"; return 1; } status = clReleaseProgram(program); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: In clReleaseProgram\n"; return 1; } status = clReleaseMemObject(inputBuffer); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: In clReleaseMemObject (inputBuffer)\n"; return 1; } status = clReleaseMemObject(outputBuffer); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: In clReleaseMemObject (outputBuffer)\n"; return 1; } status = clReleaseCommandQueue(commandQueue); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: In clReleaseCommandQueue\n"; return 1; } status = clReleaseContext(context); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) { std::cout<<"Error: In clReleaseContext\n"; return 1; return 0; } /* * \brief Releases program's resources */ void cleanupHost(void) { if(input != NULL) { free(input); input = NULL; } if(output != NULL) { free(output); output = NULL; } if(devices != NULL) { free(devices); devices = NULL; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // Initialize Host application if(initializeHost()==1) return 1; // Initialize OpenCL resources if(initializeCL()==1) return 1; // Run the CL program if(runCLKernels()==1) return 1; // Print output array for(cl_uint i = 0; i <(width*3); i++) { printf("%d ",output); } // Releases OpenCL resources if(cleanupCL()==1) return 1; // Release host resources cleanupHost(); return 0; }


Hi Omkar,

Could you Please see why my profilling data is in consistence.does any one observed this incosistence.

Please find the profiling code below.

cl_ulong elapsedTime = endTime-startTime;

 printf("\nstart time=%llu end time=%llu elapsed time =%llu microsec ,elapsedtime=%llu length=%d\n",startTime,endTime,elapsedTime/1000,elapsedTime,length);




There will be difference in timing for the same kernel, and the difference may be relatively big in first few runs when the GPU warms up. Are you seeing the same difference in later runs too? The difference may vary according to execution time too. 



Thanks for the reply.

I am seeing some consistence in latter stages but not exact  as the values toggle between two values..for example 18 msec and 25 msec mostly alternately .

I didn't get  the statement "The difference may vary according to execution time too"..does that mean executing the same kernel at different timmings...can have some  difference

What is "GPU warms up"  and also latter part of runs of consistence can be due to cache coherency right?



Originally posted by: pavandsp Omkar,


Thanks for the reply.





What is "GPU warms up"  and also latter part of runs of consistence can be due to cache coherency right?



It is alway preferable to take average of few kernel executions.  GPU uses full resources only after some bulk load.  I am sure it is not because of cache coherency.