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Get peak performance at Radeon 5870

Hi guys,

I am new in this forum und I have to admit that I am not a very experienced programmer in terms of gpu programming. Nonetheless I want to write some code to achieve peak performance (tflop/s) of my radeon 5870 (which is 2.72 TFlops). Getting an easy start, I downloaded "FlopsCL" from Kamil Rocki (see

Running the benchmark tool I got 2.15 TFlops (using float4). Thats impressive but by far not peak performance. Thus, I fired up CodeXL / AMD AppAnalyzer. The results:

     KernelOccupancy = 100

     ALUBusy = 49.84%

     ALUPacking = 79.93%

How can I optimize the kernel code to get full peak performance? Above all, is 'peak performance' reachable, even in a synthetic test - or is this just a calculated number based on tech details? How can I get better ALUPacking (obviously there are only 4 ALUs utilized of the VLIW5-ALUs)?



5 Replies
Adept II

Adept II

(4/5)*2.72 = 2.176. You are reaching 2.15TFLOPs. All is well!

VLIW5 can sure pack 5 operations together. But can all 5 be floating point math? You may need to check what are the arithmetic units that can be fed by VLIW5?

If the fifth module is a non-arithmetic stuff (like say Shifter or something like that), you really cant get MAD (Mul-add) flops using that.

For all calculatations, I used to assume 2.2TF as peak on 5870-- iirc.

The GCN Architecture whitepaper shows how graphics developed over various eras. In that PDF, VLIW5 is represented as 4 stream processors + 1 (FMAD + Special functions).

Special functions could mean sin/cos/tan functions. FMAD could be Fused multiply-add. I am not too sure though....





Hi guys, thanks for your input so far.

> You could try this as well and see how it performs:


I gave this benchmark a try recently... and got 2.1 tflops as well.

> VLIW5 can sure pack 5 operations together. But can all 5 be floating point math? You may need to check what are the arithmetic units that can be fed by VLIW5?

> If the fifth module is a non-arithmetic stuff (like say Shifter or something like that), you really cant get MAD (Mul-add) flops using that.

> For all calculatations, I used to assume 2.2TF as peak on 5870-- iirc.

I think the 5D-ALU architecture can handle 5 MAD-Operations per cycle. There are 4 simple ALUs + 1 big ALU (see this pic here - so calculating 5 32-bit floats in parallel shouldn't be a problem). I think those benchmark programs can't utilize the 5th ALU because of 'dependencies' of the instructions. This conforms to a ALUPack of 80% as stated by AMD Profiler. Taking a closer look at the benchmark kernel (see my initial posting for source reference), I think while dealing with 2 float4 you can never fully load 5 ALUs but 4 ALUs. Can anybody confirm this thought?

Excerpt of the benchmarking kernel (in pseudo code):


     float4 a;

     float 4b;

     very long (unrolled) loop {

          a = b * a + b;  // fused multiply add of two float4

          b = a * b + a;  // fused multiply add of two float4



Finally, can anybody give me some hints how to write a kernel for benchmarking which utilizes all 5 ALUs?




Hi guys,

meanwhile I got 2.64 TFlops. I consider this as 'peak performance' (side note: theoretical peak performance (TFlop/s) of my radeon 5870 is 2.72 TFlops).

This is what my kernel looks like:

__kernel void sum_float4_vliw5(__global double* const dA,  __global double* dResult) {

    const size_t bx = get_group_id(0);

    const size_t tx = get_local_id(0);

    const unsigned pIndex = 256 * bx + tx;


    float4 a = (float4)(dA[tx], dA[tx], dA[tx], dA[tx]);

    float4 b = (float4)(1.01f, 1.02f, 1.03f, 1.04f);

    float c = dA[tx];

    float d = 1.02f;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 600; i++) {

        a = b * a + b;

        b = a * b + a;

        c = d * c + d;

        d = c * d + c;



    dResult[pIndex] = a.s0 + b.s0 + a.s1 + b.s1 + a.s2 + b.s2 + a.s3 + b.s3 + c + d;


Taking a look at the generated ISA code, I can confirm that all ALUs (x,y,z,w and t) are used. This perfectly fits a ALUPacking of 97.79%, as stated by the performance counters.

Here is an excerpt of my performance counter statistics:

Kernel Occupancy: 100%

ALUBusy: 49.77%

ALUPacking: 97.79%

Nonetheless I don't understand 'ALUBusy'. Why don't I see a value close to 100%? Why is it just 49.77%? Regarding ALUBusy, there is a hint stating 'The percentage of GPUTime ALU instructions are processed'. As long as my kernel reaches peak performance and there are no memory fetches why aren't all ALUs 100% of time executing instructions? I am confused...





ALUBusy performance counter shows the percentage of time GPU executes ALU instructions. A low count of ALUBusy means that there are no active wave-fronts to hide memory latency and GPU remains idle and waits for data from the memory.