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Adept I

gDEBugger6.2.438 on Linux (Ubuntu10.04 - 32bits) x86 Issues

Hi all,

I download and test gDEBugger, and I encounter some issues.

My test environment :

GPU : AMD HD 7750

GPU Driver :  AMD Catalyst 12.6 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver  (

CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760  @ 2.80GHz


Before test, I rebuild all cl samples in AMDAPP SDK with Debug config.


Issue 1 :

When debug OpenCL Kernel, I break at "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);" and it will cause wrong calculation result !

I use NBody sample to do test.

Ref.   Feedback-NBody-Error.png

You could see variable "acc" becomes {-nan, -nan, ...} after first iteration.

The render result showed at  Feedback-NBody-Error2.png

I don't know if it is hardware or software problem ?


Issue 2 :

I easily hanged when I open "OpenCL Multi-Watch" or "CL Context # CL Buffer #" view

Ref. Feedback-HangedCase-1.png


Issue 3 :

As you can see in previous figure, the "Multiple Kernel Work Item Watch" panel is not well formed


Issue 4 :

I can not debug the sample "AMDTTeaPot" at first, I have to rebuild AMDTTeaPot & AMDTTeaPotLib then I can just debug them.

By the way, in order to success debug AMDTTeaPot, I have to clear any breakpoint first, when AMDTTeaPot is running, interrupt it by set breakpoints, if I do not follow the step, I will encounter segmentation fault.

Ref. Feedback-AMDTTeaPot.png

Thanks for your time !


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