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Archives Discussions

Journeyman III

SSE2/3 Performance on Opteron (285)

I am getting lower performance using SSE2/SSE3 compared with the regular C code that does not use simd intrinsics. I was wondering if any one has experienced this problem?
5 Replies
Adept III

ayaz: Could you, please, post here a code fragment in which you get low performance, both with regular C and with intrinsics?
Journeyman III

/* C code for complex FFT of size 8
Each complex vector contains two double precision floats (real and imaginary)
So they can be packed in a SIMD vector.

void sfnyvmc8(register CPLEX *x, register CPLEX *y, register INT is, register INT os, register INT v, register INT vis, register INT vos)
const REAL C2 = 0.70710676908493; /* REALCONST */

REAL *xre, *xim, *yre, *yim;
INT i;
xre=(REAL *)x; xim=xre+1; yre=(REAL *)y; yim=yre+1;
is=(is<<1); os=(os<<1);
vis=(vis<<1); vos=(vos<<1);
for(i=0; i<v; i=i+1)
register REAL tmp4r, tmp5r, tmp6r, tmp7r, tmp12r, tmp13r, tmp14r, tmp15r,
tmp16r, tmp17r;
register REAL tmp4i, tmp5i, tmp6i, tmp7i, tmp12i, tmp13i, tmp14i, tmp15i,
tmp16i, tmp17i;

register REAL tmp0r, tmp1r, tmp2r, tmp3r;
register REAL tmp0i, tmp1i, tmp2i, tmp3i;

tmp0i = xim[0]+xim[4*is];
tmp0r = xre[0]+xre[4*is];
tmp1i = xim[0]-xim[4*is];
tmp1r = xre[0]-xre[4*is];
tmp2i = xim[2*is]+xim[6*is];
tmp2r = xre[2*is]+xre[6*is];
tmp3i = xim[2*is]-xim[6*is];
tmp3r = xre[2*is]-xre[6*is];
tmp4i = tmp0i+tmp2i;
tmp4r = tmp0r+tmp2r;
tmp5i = tmp0i-tmp2i;
tmp5r = tmp0r-tmp2r;
tmp6i = tmp1i-tmp3r;
tmp6r = tmp1r+tmp3i;
tmp7i = tmp1i+tmp3r;
tmp7r = tmp1r-tmp3i;

register REAL tmp8r, tmp9r, tmp10r, tmp11r;
register REAL tmp8i, tmp9i, tmp10i, tmp11i;

tmp8i = xim[is]+xim[5*is];
tmp8r = xre[is]+xre[5*is];
tmp9i = xim[is]-xim[5*is];
tmp9r = xre[is]-xre[5*is];
tmp10i = xim[3*is]+xim[7*is];
tmp10r = xre[3*is]+xre[7*is];
tmp11i = xim[3*is]-xim[7*is];
tmp11r = xre[3*is]-xre[7*is];
tmp12i = tmp8i+tmp10i;
tmp12r = tmp8r+tmp10r;
tmp13i = tmp8i-tmp10i;
tmp13r = tmp8r-tmp10r;
tmp14i = tmp9i-tmp11r;
tmp14r = tmp9r+tmp11i;
tmp15i = tmp9i+tmp11r;
tmp15r = tmp9r-tmp11i;

tmp16i = C2*(tmp14i-tmp14r);
tmp16r = C2*(tmp14r+tmp14i);
tmp17i = -C2*(tmp15i+tmp15r);
tmp17r = -C2*(tmp15r-tmp15i);
yim[0] = tmp4i+tmp12i;
yre[0] = tmp4r+tmp12r;
yim[4*os] = tmp4i-tmp12i;
yre[4*os] = tmp4r-tmp12r;
yim[os] = tmp6i+tmp16i;
yre[os] = tmp6r+tmp16r;
yim[5*os] = tmp6i-tmp16i;
yre[5*os] = tmp6r-tmp16r;
yim[2*os] = tmp5i-tmp13r;
yre[2*os] = tmp5r+tmp13i;
yim[6*os] = tmp5i+tmp13r;
yre[6*os] = tmp5r-tmp13i;
yim[3*os] = tmp7i+tmp17i;
yre[3*os] = tmp7r+tmp17r;
yim[7*os] = tmp7i-tmp17i;
yre[7*os] = tmp7r-tmp17r;

/* SIMD code for FFT of size 8 complex vector
VLD, VST, VSUB, VADD map directly to intrinsics
VCONJI is composite of shuffle and xor
VCMUL is composite that packs two constants in a SIMD vector and performs complex multiplication between complex numbers
V are = _mm_load1_pd(cre);
V aim = _mm_load1_pd(cim);
are = VMUL(b, are);
b = VCONJ(b);
aim = VMUL(aim, b);
return VADD(are,aim);
Each array element is aligned to 128 bit boundaries

void zfnyvmc8(register CPLEX *x, register CPLEX *y, register INT is, register INT os, register INT v, register INT vis, register INT vos)
const REAL C0 = 0; /* ZEROCONST */
const REAL C2 = 0.70710678118655; /* REALCONST */
const REAL C1 = 1; /* ONECONST */

INT i;
for(i=0; i<v; i=i+1)
register V tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7,
tmp8, tmp9, tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13, tmp14, tmp15,
tmp16, tmp17, tmp18, tmp24, tmp25, tmp26, tmp27, tmp33,
tmp34, tmp35, tmp36;

tmp0 = VLD((REAL *)&x[0]);
tmp1 = VLD((REAL *)&x[is]);
tmp2 = VLD((REAL *)&x[2*is]);
tmp3 = VLD((REAL *)&x[3*is]);
tmp4 = VLD((REAL *)&x[4*is]);
tmp5 = VLD((REAL *)&x[5*is]);
tmp6 = VLD((REAL *)&x[6*is]);
tmp7 = VLD((REAL *)&x[7*is]);
tmp8 = VADD(tmp0, tmp4);
tmp9 = VSUB(tmp0, tmp4);
tmp10 = VADD(tmp1, tmp5);
tmp11 = VSUB(tmp1, tmp5);
tmp12 = VADD(tmp2, tmp6);
tmp13 = VSUB(tmp2, tmp6);
tmp14 = VADD(tmp3, tmp7);
tmp15 = VSUB(tmp3, tmp7);
tmp16 = VCMUL(C2, -C2, tmp11);
tmp17 = VCONJI(tmp13);
tmp18 = VCMUL(-C2, -C2, tmp15);
register V tmp19, tmp20, tmp21, tmp22, tmp23;

tmp19 = VADD(tmp8, tmp12);
tmp20 = VSUB(tmp8, tmp12);
tmp21 = VADD(tmp10, tmp14);
tmp22 = VSUB(tmp10, tmp14);
tmp23 = VCONJI(tmp22);
tmp24 = VADD(tmp19, tmp21);
tmp25 = VSUB(tmp19, tmp21);
tmp26 = VADD(tmp20, tmp23);
tmp27 = VSUB(tmp20, tmp23);

register V tmp28, tmp29, tmp30, tmp31, tmp32;

tmp28 = VADD(tmp9, tmp17);
tmp29 = VSUB(tmp9, tmp17);
tmp30 = VADD(tmp16, tmp18);
tmp31 = VSUB(tmp16, tmp18);
tmp32 = VCONJI(tmp31);
tmp33 = VADD(tmp28, tmp30);
tmp34 = VSUB(tmp28, tmp30);
tmp35 = VADD(tmp29, tmp32);
tmp36 = VSUB(tmp29, tmp32);

VST((REAL *)&y[0], tmp24);
VST((REAL *)&y[os], tmp33);
VST((REAL *)&y[2*os], tmp26);
VST((REAL *)&y[3*os], tmp35);
VST((REAL *)&y[4*os], tmp25);
VST((REAL *)&y[5*os], tmp34);
VST((REAL *)&y[6*os], tmp27);
VST((REAL *)&y[7*os], tmp36);
x=x+vis; y=y+vos;


Performance of SIMD code is >30% slower in this case.
Hardware counters data:
Perf (nonsimd=80%,simd=50%)
So the question is why is simd code slower?

FP_OPS (nonsimd=78, simd=120)
Why does it have more FP_OPS than the floating point code?

FP_INS (nonsimd=122, simd=102) VEC_INS(nonsimd=0, simd=94)
Simd code has lower number of FP_INS; that makes sense.

FAD_INS (nonsimd=63, simd=74)
Simd code has 26 vector adds, i.e., 52 FP_ADD instructions.

I can send you the assembly if you like.
Adept III

I would not like to upset you... Well, I'll try. Here is a quote from the AMD document #25112.pdf:
"The SSE2 and x87 double-precision peak throughput is the same, but SSE2 instructions provide better code density."
This was said for all the K8-based CPUs, and your Opteron 285 is K8-based. This means that the SSE2/3 code (working with double precision) won't get speed boost (vs. x87-code) on K8, although on K10 (Opteron 23xx/83xx) it will. In your case, I suppose, the SHUFPD and XORPD instructions worsen performance.
Of course, there are several compilers exist which are capable to generate quality and fast code, whereas others are not (I suppose that you are using MSVC. Right?), so results may vary. Did you try to use Intel, PathScale, Portlang Group complilers?
Journeyman III

Thanks for the pointer to the document. I have found it hard to locate reference manuals on amd's website. As far as the compiler is concerned, I have tried three different compilers, i.e, gcc3.4.6, gcc4.2.2 and icc10.1.
gcc3.4.6 is far better than the other two on this system.
Adept III

ayaz: Well, there are lots of documents about AMD K8 & K10.
About compilers: I have heard that PathScale Compiler Suite can generate the most fastest code.