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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III

OpenGL, strip charts, Linux

Centos Linux, I am a novice with Linux, QT Creator, and OpenGL

We do telemetry work and need a simple strip chart for testing data at various places in our sysem. I have been asked to create a simple strip chart function.  The suggestion is to use QT Creator and OpenGL.  I have not been able to find anything about creating a strip chart. 

  Do you, dear reader, have any information on tutorials and guidelines for creating strip charts?

2 Replies
Journeyman III

No one has replied so I narrow the scope a bit.

Is there a way to move a rectangle of pixels displayed on the screen?  Move them one or some number of pixels to the left or right, or maybe up or down?

Details, just in case:  a strip chart is displayed as a 2D array of pixels.  Rather than clearing and redrawing for each data point I would rather move the array a little bit and add the new points.


I have little knowledge of OpenGL and Linux but these two Forums , AMD and Phonorix may have your answers.

If this concerns OpenGL programming and Linux than go here to AMD OpenGL & Vulkan Forum. It is possible someone may be able to assist you in making your Linux OpenGL program: OpenGL & Vulkan .

For strictly AMD Linux issues you can go here to this Linux Forum:

If you should have any problems posting on the AMD Forum, AMD Moderator Deepak ​can help you to be able to Post.