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OpenCL hangs in clfinish after queueing up more then 12 kernels

I am a OpenCL newbie, so if I am doing something which is just apparently wrong, do correct me.

I have a multi-window app, and I am using one OpenCL context/commandqueue/kernel per window. Things works fine right when I open up to like 12 windows, but if I open like 16 windows, it will eventually crash within 5mins - few hours.  What happens is that the kernel "seems" to get stuck  and clfinish never returns. Eventually I see a DX11 device reset, and all my OpenCL windows turn black..  I am running Win10 Aniversary, and 16.15 version of AMD driver. (The system is not hung, I can kill the process, and redo the test again). I had followed the suggestions to disable TDRreset but it doesn't fix the problem.

I am not sure how I get to debugging this. Any help/suggestsions would be appreciated  I have a very simple kernel.

const char* pKernelSrc = "__kernel void imgProcess(__global uint * pSrcData, __write_only image2d_t pData, int2 imgDim)          \n \

                             {                                                                \n \

                              int posX = get_global_id(0); \n \

                                 int posY = get_global_id(1); \n \

                                 float fBlue0, fGreen0, fRed0; \n \

                                 uint    ulData = pSrcData[posX + (posY * imgDim.x) ]; \n \

                                 fBlue0  = (float) (ulData & 0x1f) ; \n \

                                 fGreen0 = (float) (ulData & 0x7e0) ; \n \

                                 fRed0   = (float) (ulData & 0xf800) ; \n \

                                 fBlue0  = fBlue0/ 32.0f; \n \

                                 fGreen0 = fGreen0/ 2048.0f; \n \

                                 fRed0  = fRed0/ 65768.0f; \n \

                              write_imagef(pData, (int2) (posX, posY), (float4)(fRed0, fGreen0, fBlue0, 1.0f)); \n \

                             } ";

The crash doesn't seem associated with the amount of source/destination data. If I open 12 BIG windows (larger textures) it works. The issue seems more related to the amount of kernels I queue up ...  so if I open 16 windows, it will eventually crash after 5mins- few hours. If I just  use a dummy kernel or just do write_image on a static color, and remove anything dealing with the input, then things work fine for larger amount of windows,  As soon as I make use of pSrcData, (which is just a clmem surface derived from a DirectGMA surface), then  I see the problem when > 12 windows are opened.

        I get no error messages when making all the Opencl-calls.

       I am wondering whether it's due to the multiple instances of kernels/programs, and  I was going to try to see if I only have a single enqueue a single kernel which can operate on N ClMem locations, but I don't think it's valid to pass in an array of CLMems which is created across multiple different ClContexts. ??

//// function which gets called N times, where N = number of windows opened

int            nStatus;
static unsigned int   ulFrameCnt = 0;
cl_int2     vDim = { (long)pDGMAObj->m_ulGLTextureWidth * 2, (long)pDGMAObj->m_ulGLTextureHeight };
size_t      uiGlobalWorkSize[2] ;
size_t      uiLocalWorkSize[2] = { 16, 16 };

uiGlobalWorkSize[0] = (pDGMAObj->m_ulGLTextureWidth  / 32) * 32;
uiGlobalWorkSize[1] = (pDGMAObj->m_ulGLTextureHeight / 16) * 16;

nStatus = clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(pDGMAObj->m_clCmdQueue, 1, &pDGMAObj->m_clBindedImage, 0, 0, 0); // locks GL buffer so CL can use it
if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects");

nStatus = clSetKernelArg(pDGMAObj->m_clKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&pDGMAObj->m_pBuffer);
if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail ARG0");

nStatus = clSetKernelArg(pDGMAObj->m_clKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&pDGMAObj->m_clBindedImage);
if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail ARG1");

// Argument 2: Dimension of buffer
nStatus = clSetKernelArg(pDGMAObj->m_clKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_int2), (cl_int2*)&vDim);
if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail ARG2");

nStatus = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(pDGMAObj->m_clCmdQueue,       //  Cmd Queue
      pDGMAObj->m_clKernel,       //  kernel
      2,                //  Work dimention >0  but less then 3
      NULL,             //  Global Work offset
      uiGlobalWorkSize, //  global work size
      uiLocalWorkSize,  //  Local work size
      0,                //  Num events in wait list
      NULL,             //  event in wait list
      NULL);             // events

if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail clEnqueueNDRangeKernel");

nStatus = clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(pDGMAObj->m_clCmdQueue, 1, &pDGMAObj->m_clBindedImage, 0, 0, 0);
if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects");

nStatus = clFlush(pDGMAObj->m_clCmdQueue); // start this work ASAP
if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail clFlush");

nStatus = clFinish(pDGMAObj->m_clCmdQueue); //

if (nStatus != CL_SUCCESS) OutputDebugStringA("Fail clFinish");


4 Replies
Big Boss

Hi Patrick,

Sorry for this delayed reply.

I would suggest you to write a simple test-case to enqueue more than 12 kernels and see whether you still observe the same issue or not. If reproducible, please share the repro with us.



Did many different tests, and found one that solution that works. But here's my data....

Note: The kernels/programs  themselves are duplicate kernels in the above code.  copy which I created per "window" to associate with their respective gl-renderContext. All the stuff I mentioned in GPU related, and I am not testing it on CPU.

(1) If I create 8 windows (8kernels/8commandQs) and loop then 4x (so 32 enqueues one after another)  it works fine. So the issue doesn't seem related to the number of back-to-back enqueues.

(2) The exact number of failure seems to be 16+ enqueues. I tried 14, and it seems to work fine. 16 enqueues of different pairs pf CommandQ's/kernels back to back doesn't work. basically lasting from 5 mins to several hours, before clfinish doesn't return, and I see DX11 resetting the device

(3) If the kernel is "devoid" of the source .. i.e. just making blue/red/green variables point to PosX and PosY instead of reading from a source  it works fine.

(4) The solution which I am leaning with (seems to last over 3+ days of testing) is when doing OpenCl Processing, I just use a singleCommandQueue/kernel, and use the cl-mem associated with OTHER clContexts for the enqueue the works into this single CommandQ. These different clContexts are all belonging to the same clDevice. I am not sure whether this is valid OpenCl usage, but it seems to work. Tested with 32 windows, and all of them are still working fine over  3+ days. Assuming that it's "valid" to share OpenCL's cl_mems created from different clContexts (of the same clDevice), then this actually seems to be a better and cleaner solution for me

If some of the things above "seems/sounds" strange, just note that I am a OpenCL newbie, so my understanding/description of stuff might be a little off..


It's good that you've found a solution. However, I don't understand the benefit of multiple contexts here as a workaround. Also, as per the OpenCL spec, it is expected that objects such as command-queues, memory, program and kernel objects must belong to the same context. Actually, OpenCL runtime uses the context as a container to manage all these objects.



The code I have is mostly derived" from the AMD sample code, which was when a window is created, an OpenGL rendering context is created, and an OpenCL context is then associated with it. I just extended this for multiple windows so each window's having its own hwnd, own GL-renderContext and own OpenCL rendercontext. My app basically dynamically creates/ destroys windows based on user input dynamically, so the original idea of keeping each window having it's separate context/command/etc seems to be a clean way to do it,  but it has performance implications on the OpenGL side due to context switches,

For performance, it would be better if I can use a single OpenGL/CL context for  N windows, but my knowledge of stuff is too shallow. I don't know how to dynamically combine/bind different windows hwnds into a single openGL/CL Context. The main issue being these windows are created and destroyed "dynamically", and ideally a window is opened/destroyed without "affecting" the other windows.

I'll need to revisit this again, since you mentioned the way I am doing is not-quite-correct for OpenCL. Testing on this is tedious ... because it sometimes can take many hours before the problem manifests itsel, and I get no error message besides noticing clFinish getting stuck, and eventually I get a  DX11 device reset. Maybe I need to first spend some time looking up how to get more feedback from the GPU, maybe by enabling profiling or something ?? There's some debugging tool from AMD, but I am not sure if it will help me out in my issue.


Another datapoint. If the GPU outputs are 1080p60 (monitor resolution is 1080p).

If the GPU outputs are set to 4K (monitor resolution 4K@60/4K@30) then the issue manifests itself.

The test application itself doesn't care about monitor resolution, as it by default just opens a 960x540 window ... (which user can then later "resize" if needed). But all my testing are done identically with N windows of size (960x540).
