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Adept II

Kernel argument corrupted ? (maybe)


It seems i'm getting a kernel argument corruption,I dont clearly understand why and I can't reproduce it with nvidia cards.

Here is the code, it's a small skeleton of ray casting algorithm using a persistent thread. The problem is if I uncomment the last lines, the kernel variable _launch_dim is modified (???). The code output the following lines

launch dim x : 512  launch dim y : 512 launch dim Z : 1 tid : 44

bbox 0 warp : 0 thread warp id : 44

bbox 0 NO HIT

bbox 1 warp : 0 thread warp id : 44

bbox 1 HIT

which is good but when i uncomment the last lines from the for loop, i get that :

launch dim x : 0  launch dim y : 512 launch dim Z : 1 tid : 108

bbox 0 warp : 1 thread warp id : 44

bbox 0 NO HIT

bbox 1 warp : 1 thread warp id : 44

bbox 1 NO HIT

launch dim x is modified (?), it's doesn't happen every time it depends of execution and the ray computed.

If you have any idea how I can get though this, It would be much appreciated.

I'm currently using a HD 7950 with 13.4 drivers and a windows 7 64 bits.




        //PRINTFMACRO(thread_warp_id,44,"launch dim x : %i  launch dim y : %i launch dim Z : %i tid : %i\n",_launch_dim.x,_launch_dim.y,_launch_dim.z,get_global_id(0));

        if (thread_warp_id == 0) {           

            pop_index[warp_id] = atomic_add(&_queue_heads[0],WARP_SIZE) ;



        if (pop_index[warp_id] + thread_warp_id  < _queue_MAX)


            uint index = pop_index[warp_id] + thread_warp_id;



            PRINTFMACRO(index,135340,"launch dim x : %i  launch dim y : %i launch dim Z : %i tid : %i\n",_launch_dim.x,_launch_dim.y,_launch_dim.z,get_global_id(0));

            launch_index.y = (index % (_launch_dim.y*_launch_dim.x)) / _launch_dim.x;

            launch_index.x = ((index % (_launch_dim.y*_launch_dim.x)) % _launch_dim.x);


            float2 d;

            d.x = ((float)launch_index.x / (float)_launch_dim.x) * 2.f - 1.f ;

            d.y = ((float)launch_index.y / (float)_launch_dim.y) * 2.f - 1.f ;


            float3 U2 = (float3)(d.x*U.x, d.x*U.y, d.x*U.z) ;

            float3 V2 = (float3)(d.y*V.x, d.y*V.y, d.y*V.z) ;

            _ray.origin = cam_pos ;

            _ray.direction = normalize((U2 + V2 + W)) ;

            _ray.index = (launch_index.y * _launch_dim.x) + launch_index.x ;


            char _ray_datas_count = 0 ; // rtSpawnCoun


       for(int _bbox = 0; _bbox < 2; _bbox++)



                PRINTFMACRO(_ray.index,135340,"box %i warp : %i thread warp id : %i\n",_bbox,warp_id,thread_warp_id);


                char hit = intersect_ray_bbox(_ray, _aabbs[_bbox],&_entry_distance, &_exit_distance);


                if (hit)



                    PRINTFMACRO(_ray.index,135340,"bbox %i HIT\n",_bbox);


                    (_intersection) =((__global  float3 *)_geometries_raw_data)[_bbox];


                    PRINTFMACRO(_ray.index,135340,"bbox %i NO HIT\n",_bbox);




          //corrupt kernel args

          //  Ray r2;

           // r2.origin = _intersection ;

           // r2.direction = normalize((pos_lumiere1-_intersection)) ;



           // _ray_datas[((_ray_datas_count)*WARP_SIZE) + thread_warp_id] = r2;

          //  (_ray_datas_count) = ((_ray_datas_count) + 1) ;



           // r2.origin = _intersection ;

            //r2.direction = normalize((pos_lumiere2-_intersection)) ;


            //_ray_datas[((_ray_datas_count)*WARP_SIZE) + thread_warp_id] = r2;

            //(_ray_datas_count) = ((_ray_datas_count) + 1) ;



6 Replies

From the values given to launch_dim it looks to be same as global size. IT should be better if it is queried inside the kernel using get_global_size(0).

Anyways from first view of the kernel, i would not expect a variable to change its value, if some non-relevant code is enabled. Could you give a small repro case, including hostside code, which I can compile and run at my end. That would help in quickly reproducing the bug and get it fixed it it exists.


Thank you for answering, here is a small repro case. I'm getting  wrong printed values.

launch dim x : 0  launch dim y : 512 launch dim Z : 1 tid : 44

launch index x : 135340  launch index y : -1

It's possible I did a stupid mistake, but I can't see it .


ps: don't mind the joined file name I did this fast...


It looks like the argument is getting corrupted after the first iteration of the for loop.

I had inserted a simple printf for the variable _launch_dim, and here are my results:


_launch dim: 512 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

_launch dim: 0 512 1

Forwarding it to Proper team. I checked the code thoroughly, and do not find any place where this variable is getting modified, so this change in value is not accepted. Please point out if i mis-understood something.

Thank you for taking a closer look into this, I'm still getting that issue right now .

Kernel variable launch dim getting modified without any reason.


I am raising a bug to AMD Engineering Team. I will update the post, once it is fixed.


The issue is no longer reproducible on the latest driver.  Can you verify and confirm?