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Journeyman III

__local array bug when declared in global scope

If I declare a __local array in global scope, it compiles, but doesn't work.  I can write to the local array from the kernel, but when I read from it, I apparently just get back 0.  This is not being flagged by the compiler.  It does work with the NVIDIA driver.  And of course this kind of semantic works with D3D11 groupshared.  For example, here's a simple prefix sum shader.  When you uncomment the __local uint line just outside of function scope, the shader doesn't work.



void ThreadSum2(uint tid, __local uint sharedSum[2 * NUM_THREADS]) {
    uint offset = 1;
    for(int d = N>> 1; d > 0; d>>= 1) {
        if(tid < d) {
            uint ai = offset * (2 * tid + 1) - 1;
            uint bi = offset * (2 * tid + 2) - 1;
            sharedSum[bi] += sharedSum[ai];
        offset<<= 1;
    #pragma unroll
    for(int d = 1; d < N; d<<= 1) {
        offset>>= 1;
        if(tid < d) {
            uint ai = offset * (2 * tid + 1) - 1;
            uint bi = offset * (2 * tid + 2) - 1;
            uint t = sharedSum[ai];
            sharedSum[ai] = sharedSum[bi];
            sharedSum[bi] += t;

// uncomment me and the code doesn't work.  note that it does work with NV driver.
// __local uint sharedSum[2 * NUM_THREADS];

__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(NUM_THREADS, 1, 1)))
void PrefixSumBlock_Pass1(
    __global uint* pass1_values,
    __global uint* pass1_partialSums) {

    // uncomment me and the code DOES work.

    // __local uint sharedSum[2 * NUM_THREADS];
    uint tid = get_local_id(0);
    uint gid = get_group_id(0);
    uint index = 2 * NUM_THREADS * gid;
    uint ai = tid;
    uint bi = tid + NUM_THREADS;
    uint a = pass1_values[index + ai];
    uint b = pass1_values[index + bi];
    sharedSum[ai] = a;
    sharedSum[bi] = b;
    ThreadSum2(tid, sharedSum);   
    uint total = sharedSum[0];
    a = sharedSum[ai] - total;
    b = sharedSum[bi] - total;
    pass1_values[index + ai] = a;
    pass1_values[index + bi] = b;
    if(0 == tid)
        pass1_partialSums[gid] = total;

2 Replies

This kernel is invalid. the local address qualifier cannot be used in this manner.
From 6.5.2 of the spec:
"The __local or local address space name is used to describe variables that need to be
allocated in local memory and are shared by all work-items of a work-group. This qualifier can
be used with arguments to functions (including __kernel functions) declared as pointers, or
with variables defined inside a __kernel function."

Your example is neither defined inside a kernel function or declared as a pointer to a function, thus violates the spec.

This has been reported and should be fixed to emit an error in the next release.