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Journeyman III

Problems with Brook+ code only if BRT_RUNTIME=cal

I'm experiencing some problems with a Brook+ code (a GMRES solver for sparse matrix), which runs perfectly with BRT_RUNTIME=cpu, but which gives totally different results if BRT_RUNTIME is set to cpu.

I'm using double precision, sparse matrix-vector multiplications and dense matrix-matrix multiplications (with parts of code taken from Brook+ legacy samples "sparse_matrix_vector" and "double_precision_simple_matmult").

The matrix-matrix multiplication's gather input parameters and the output parameters are often subsets of bigger matrices. To select the sub-matrices, I'm using the "domain()" operator.

I thought that the problem could be related to the domain() operator together with a gather indexing, but I had fine results while running simple tests of matrix multiplication with input and output parameters selected with domain() operator.

I also found this post , but in my case gather input parameters are indexed with double [ ] [ ].

Does anyone have any idea of what could be a possible source of errors?




3 Replies
Adept I

Have you checked error and errorlog on your streams?


Ok, I found out the cause of my problems.

To multiplicate a vector for a scalar, let us say y = a*x, I was running a simple function like this:

    kernel void stream_mult ( double instream1<>, double instream2<>, double outstream<> )
         outstream = instream1*instream2;

calling then from the main body :  stream_mult ( xstream, astream, ystream );


This worked fine with cpu, but not with BRT_RUNTIME=cal.

To make the function run correctly on GPU, the scalar coefficient a must be passed as a gather parameter.

Here is the correct way:

    kernel void stream_scalar_mult ( double instream<>, double coef[], double outstream<> )

        outstream = instream*coef[0];

calling in the main body: stream_scalar_mult ( xstream, astream, ystream ) ;


I don't understand exactly why should it be incorrect to pass the scalar coefficient as a normal input stream, as it is of dimension 1 and it should be compared with no problems with streams of all dimension (there is no problem of multiplicity of dimensions! ).

Thank you


When you are using regular streams, all of the streams should be of same size.

You can pass this value as a constant instead.

kernel void stream_scalar_mult ( double instream<>, double coef, double outstream<> )

        outstream = instream*coef;
