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Journeyman III

Problem with kernel Attribute or domainSize

Problem with kernel Attribute or domainSize

I have written an implementation of a reduction in Brook+ 1.4 - comparing two matrices A and B and outputting if they are the same or not.

My code works as follows:

1) One thread scans down one column of A and B and compares the elements.

2) Using a Attribute, I define a thread goup of 64 threads. In the second step, after those 64 threads have scanned the columns, they communicate using local data store and reduce their results to a single output.


3) I have enhanced this implementation, by using creating more threads and each thread scans only part ways down the column. To do this, I use kernel.domainSize( ... ). I also use float4, so each thread essentially scans 4 columns.


My Problem:

My code works perfectly fine the first iteration. However, if I run it within a loop with several iteration, it fails to produce the correct results. After some debugging - it seems to me that the second time around my threads are not created properly ( printing their thread  ids does not make any sense the second iteration). I think that this has something to do with Attribute or Domain and I cannot figure it out for 2 days now.It also seems that my output stream has to be the same size as my domain - for my code to work. In other words I think that domain does not work.


I have attached my code. Any help will be appreciated.



My code works per



Attribute[GroupSize(64, 1, 1)] kernel void compare_mats_float4(int group_size, int elem_per_column, float4 a[][], float4 b[][], out float4 c[][]) { shared float4 lds[64]; // defines the amount of data per thread as 1 float4 (64/64) int index_y = instance().y; int index_x = instance().x; int i; float4 error = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Each thread scans elem_per_column elements, down 4 columns (because float4) for(i=0; i<elem_per_column; i=i+1){ // accumulate the error for the 4 columns error = error + (a[index_y * elem_per_column + i][index_x] - b[index_y * elem_per_column + i][index_x]); } // Each thread writes to LDS if there was an error in its columns. lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] = error; syncGroup(); // Since I know the size of my thread group is 64, I am going to completely unroll this // Perform the reduction using shared memory if(instanceInGroup().x < 32){ lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] = lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] + lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 32]; } syncGroup(); if(instanceInGroup().x < 16){ lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] = lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] + lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 16]; } syncGroup(); if(instanceInGroup().x < 8){ lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] = lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] + lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 8]; } syncGroup(); if(instanceInGroup().x < 4){ lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] = lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] + lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 4]; } syncGroup(); if(instanceInGroup().x < 2){ lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] = lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] + lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 2]; } syncGroup(); // The last thread write the result of the thread group to global memory if(instanceInGroup().x == 0){ c[index_y][index_x/group_size] = lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 0] + lds[1 * instanceInGroup().x + 1]; } //c[index_y][index_x] = float4((float)index_x, (float)index_y, 0.0f, 0.0f); } // Project headers #include "brookgenfiles/lds.h" #include "brook/brook.h" #include "math.h" #include "Timer.h" #define WIDTH 128 // 4096/4 - account for the float4 #define HEIGHT 512 #define COMPONENTS 4 #define GROUP_SIZE 64 #define ELEM_PER_COLUMN 256 // Number of (float4) elements that each thread will scan down the column int main() { CPerfCounter* timer_CPU = new CPerfCounter(); CPerfCounter* timer_GPU = new CPerfCounter(); CPerfCounter* timer_mem = new CPerfCounter(); double time_GPU=0.0; double time_CPU=0.0; double time_mem=0.0; float sum_GPU =0.0f; float sum_CPU =0.0f; int iterations = 2; unsigned int width = WIDTH; unsigned int height = HEIGHT; unsigned int group_size = GROUP_SIZE; unsigned int width_reduced = width; // width of the reduced matrix, at least 64 unsigned int height_reduced = HEIGHT/ELEM_PER_COLUMN; // height of the reduced matrix unsigned int elem_per_column = ELEM_PER_COLUMN; unsigned int actual_width_reduced = (WIDTH / GROUP_SIZE)*COMPONENTS; // reduced with in terms of individual elements unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; unsigned int streamSize[] = {width, height}; unsigned int streamSize2[] = {width_reduced, height_reduced}; // Stream allocation Stream<float4> streamA(2, streamSize); Stream<float4> streamB(2, streamSize); Stream<float4> streamO(2, streamSize2); // same size as my kernel domain // Declaration of input & output buffer float *A = NULL; float *B = NULL; float *O = NULL; // Pinned Memory allocation to input output & expected buffer A = (float*)_aligned_malloc(height * width * sizeof(float) * COMPONENTS, 256); B = (float*)_aligned_malloc(height * width * sizeof(float) * COMPONENTS, 256); O = (float*)_aligned_malloc(width_reduced * height_reduced * sizeof(float)* COMPONENTS, 256); // Value assign to input buffer for(i = 0; i < (height * width * COMPONENTS); ++i) { A = (float)0; B = (float)0; } // Introduce some differences between A and B, to verify that we catch them. B[257] = (float)1; B[32] = (float)1; B[570] = (float)1; // Do several iterations for(unsigned int x=0; x<iterations; x++){ timer_CPU->Reset(); timer_GPU->Reset(); timer_mem->Reset(); sum_GPU = 0.0f; sum_CPU = 0.0f; timer_GPU->Start(); // Pinned memory read,"nocopy");,"nocopy"); // Each thread will scan down the column (4 columns since float4) // Each thread will scan down ELEM_PER_COLUMN elements. compare_mats_float4.domainOffset(uint4(0,0,0,0)); compare_mats_float4.domainSize(uint4(width,height_reduced,1,1)); compare_mats_float4(group_size, elem_per_column, streamA, streamB, streamO); if(streamO.error()) { printf("Error : %s", streamO.errorLog()); } streamO.write(O, "nocopy"); // Finish the reduction on the CPU for(i = 0; i < height_reduced; ++i){ for(j = 0; j < actual_width_reduced; ++j){ //for(j = 0; j < width_reduced * 4; ++j){ sum_GPU += O[i* width_reduced * 4 + j]; if((j>1)&&(j%64 ==0)) printf("\n"); printf("%0.0f ", O[i * width_reduced * 4 +j]); } printf("\n-------------------------\n"); } printf("\n-------------------------\n"); timer_GPU->Stop(); // MEMORY TRANSFER ONLY timer_mem->Start();,"nocopy");,"nocopy"); streamA.finish(); streamB.finish(); streamO.write(O, "nocopy"); streamO.finish(); timer_mem->Stop(); // Do reduction on the CPU timer_CPU->Start(); for(i = 0; i < (height * width * COMPONENTS); ++i) { sum_CPU += A - B; } timer_CPU->Stop(); time_GPU += timer_GPU->GetElapsedTime(); time_CPU += timer_CPU->GetElapsedTime(); time_mem += timer_mem->GetElapsedTime(); printf("sum_GPU: %0.2f\n", sum_GPU); printf("sum_CPU: %0.2f\n", sum_CPU); printf("\n"); }//END Iterations printf("avg_time GPU: %lf avg_mem_time: %lf\n", time_GPU/iterations, time_mem/iterations); printf("avg_time CPU: %lf\n", time_CPU/iterations); printf("\n"); // Cleaning up _aligned_free(A); _aligned_free(B); _aligned_free(O); }

8 Replies
Journeyman III

Wrong place for the question, for questions about Brook+ please post them in "ATI Stream" instead of "General Discussions".

From your way of writing that kernel looks like you came from CUDA or you didn't understand the stream programming model. Comparing two arrays in Brook+ for equality is as simple as using two kernels, a substraction and a reduction. Then you compare the reduction output with a certain threshold, if it is near 0 they're equal.

kernel void
SUB_F1(float a<>, float b<>, out float c<> )
    c = abs(a - b);

reduce void
SUM_F1(float i<>, reduce float o<> )
    o = o + i;



Sorry about posting to the wrong place. I will move this post the correct place.

My goal was to write a high-performance reduction. The method that you suggest is not performance efficient since it uses a single thread for the reduction. (your second kernel)



Sorry, but I think you're wrong. The second kernel is a Brook+ builtin reduction kernel, as far as I know it is implemented as a parallel multi-stage algorithm.

In fact, if it were using only one thread it would be several times slower than CPU and that's not the case (except for small data sets). You should call it this way:

float sum_val;
SUB_F1(stream_a, stream_b, stream_c);
SUM_F1(stream_c, sum_val);


We have looked at the assembly produced by a reduction kernel like this(using the "reduce" keyword) and it is not a parallel multi-stage implementation. It should be - but this is up the Brook+ developers to work on.

I have not tested the performance of this implementation vs. CPU. However I think it is possible that such an implementation (using a single thread for the reduction) may not be slower that the CPU. The reason is that the reduction operation is bandwidth bound , not computation, and the GPU provides better bandwidth from memory that the CPU.


Also the CPU cache do not play a role here, since there is no reuse.


Interesting, however I think is hard to improve existing reduction using only Brook+ to generate the code. Kernels that require shared memory force Brook+ to use Compute Shader with scatter output, and scatter is quite slow. If you want to improve it I think you'll have to work at IL level.

Also note that as you said GPU is usually bandwidth bound, and I think the current reduction implementation works at about 1/4 of the maximum theorical bandwidth, so it would require some effort to optimize it.


I just implemented a simpler version of my reduction: I create as many threads as the width of the matrix. Then each thread scans down the column (4 columns for float4). The CPU combines the final results from all the threads.

I also implemented the version that you suggested, using the reduction operator and outputting a single value to the CPU.

Here are some results. The first column, is my implementation (the time include the time to transmit the row to CPU, kernel, finish up on the CPU). The second column includes: kernel time, transmit the single value back to CPU. Note that in both cases the time to trasmit the results to the CPU are very small. Dominant is kernel time.

My version is faster, but not by much. About 2x in some cases.



Image size

That's cool. I think you should post a link to this in the main "Stream SDK" forum. Maybe other members find it interesting or people at AMD can help you to further improve it.

Note that in the version I suggested the copy to CPU is implicit, because you use a CPU variable as argument for the reduction kernel. I hope you used float4 data type in both to be comparable results. Also note that Brook+ implementation is quite flexible as you can do row, column and rectangular tile reductions with the same operator.